== Dimensions ChangeLog ==

== 1.2 ==

* Only works with jQuery 1.2+
* Removed height, width, offset and offsetLite in favor of core versions
* Position no longer takes a returnObject and has been updated to use the new core offset method
* New version property (jQuery.dimensions.version)
* Units other than pixels are now calculated correctly for margins, borders and paddings.

== 1.1.3 ==

* Fixed an issue in calculating the width and height of the window in Firefox before document ready in quirks mode (introduced in 1.1.1) [Thanks Will Arp]

== 1.1.2 ==

* Fixed offset calculation of table cells with borders in mozilla
* Fixed an issue in calculating the width and height of the window in Safari/WebKit (introduced in 1.1.1) [Thanks Jerry Wang]

== 1.1.1 ==

* Fixed issue in calculating document height and width when a large element is positioned absolute
* Cleaned up window height and width calculation

== 1.1 ==

* Offset now works in Safari 3 / WebKit Nighlies
* Added margin option to outerWidth and outerHeight
* Fixed regression where element's scroll offsets where included in the calculations (introduced in 1.0.1)

== 1.0.1 ==

* Fixed issue in Opera with fixed position

== 1.0 ==

* New position method
* New offsetParent method
* New lite option for offset
* New relativeTo option for offset
* API CHANGE: The border option is now defaulted to 'false' for offset
* scrollTop and scrollLeft are now setters and getters
* New test suite
* Updated inline docs and added lite option to visual offset text/example
* Throw meaningful error when the jQuery collection is empty
* Normalized window width and height for Firefox and Opera
* Element's scroll offsets no longer included in calculations for offset
* Added support for Body element in offset
* Change file name and format to better follow plugin standards
* Fixed Opera issue where the scroll offsets are reported as the actual offset
* Various other minor bug fixes

== Pre 1.0 ==

* Fixed calculation of offsets when a border is present on the body
* Fixed body margin issue for standards compliant pages in IE (introduced in Rev. 1395)
* Fixed calculation of scroll offsets when the parent is the body
* Fixed body margin issue in IE for the offset method
* Removed rogue console.log statement from dimensions plugin
* Adding some comments to offset method
* Mozilla not including border on static elements with overflow != visible
* Opera not calculating offset properly with inline elements
* Updated dimensions methods innerHeight, innerWidth, outerHeight and outerWidth to work with elements that have display: none
* Added the relevant svn:keywords to dimensions
* API CHANGE: Offset method takes an options hash and optional return object.