1.2.2 / 1.3 --- * Fixed invalid-form event, now only triggered when form is invalid * Added spanish (es), russian (ru), portuguese brazilian (ptbr) and polish (pl) localization * Added removeAttrs plugin to facilate adding and removing multiple attributes * Added groups option to display a single message for multiple elements, via groups: { arbitraryGroupName: "fieldName1 fieldName2[, fieldNameN" } * Enhanced rules() for adding and removing (static) rules: rules("add", "method1[, methodN]"/{method1:param[, method_n:param]}) and rules("remove"[, "method1[, method_n]") * Enhanced rules-option, accepts space-seperated string-list of methods, eg. {birthdate: "required date"} * Fixed checkbox group validation with inline rules: As long as the rules are specified on the first element, the group is now properly validated on click * Fixed #2473, ignoring all rules with an explicit parameter of boolean-false, eg. required:false is the same as not specifying required at all (it was handled as required:true so far) * Fixed #2424, with a modified patch from #2473: Methods returning a dependency-mismatch don't stop other rules from being evaluated anymore; still, success isn't applied for optional fields * Fixed url and email validation to not use trimmed values * Fixed creditcard validation to accept only digits and dashes ("asdf" is not a valid creditcard number) 1.2.1 ----- * Bundled delegeate plugin with validate plugin - its always required anyway * Improved remote validation to include parts from the ajaxQueue plugin for proper synchronization (no additional plugin necessary) * Fixed stopRequest to prevent pendingRequest < 0 * Added jQuery.validator.autoCreateRanges property, defaults to false, enable to convert min/max to range and minlength/maxlength to rangelength; this basically fixes the issue introduced by automatically creating ranges in 1.2 * Fixed optional-methods to not highlight anything at all if the field is blank, that is, don't trigger success * Allow false/null for highlight/unhighlight options instead of forcing a do-nothing-callback even when nothing needs to be highlighted * Fixed validate() call with no elements selected, returning undefined instead of throwing an error * Improved demo, replacing metadata with classes/attributes for specifying rules * Fixed error when no custom message is used for remote validation * Modified email and url validation to require domain label and top label * Fixed url and email validation to require TLD (actually to require domain label); 1.2 version (TLD is optional) is moved to additionals as url2 and email2 * Fixed dynamic-totals demo in IE6/7 and improved templating, using textarea to store multiline template and string interpolation * Added login form example with "Email password" link that makes the password field optional * Enhanced dynamic-totals demo with an example of a single message for two fields 1.2 --- * Added AJAX-captcha validation example (based on http://psyrens.com/captcha/) * Added remember-the-milk-demo (thanks RTM team for the permission!) * Added marketo-demo (thanks Glen Lipka!) * Added support for ajax-validation, see method "remote"; serverside returns JSON, true for valid elements, false or a String for invalid, String is used as message * Added highlight and unhighlight options, by default toggles errorClass on element, allows custom highlighting * Added valid() plugin method for easy programmatic checking of forms and fields without the need to use the validator API * Added rules() plguin method to read and write rules for an element (currently read only) * Replaced regex for email method, thanks to the contribution by Scott Gonzalez, see http://projects.scottsplayground.com/email_address_validation/ * Restructured event architecture to rely solely on delegation, both improving performance, and ease-of-use for the developer (requires jquery.delegate.js) * Moved documentation from inline to http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation - including interactive examples for all methods * Removed validator.refresh(), validation is now completey dynamic * Renamed minValue to min, maxValue to max and rangeValue to range, deprecating the previous names (to be removed in 1.3) * Renamed minLength to minlength, maxLength to maxlength and rangeLength to rangelength, deprecating the previous names (to be removed in 1.3) * Added feature to merge min + max into and range and minlength + maxlength into rangelength * Added support for dynamic rule parameters, allowing to specify a function as a parameter eg. for minlength, called when validating the element * Allow to specify null or an empty string as a message to display nothing (see marketo demo) * Rules overhaul: Now supports combination of rules-option, metadata, classes (new) and attributes (new), see rules() for details 1.1.2 --- * Replaced regex for URL method, thanks to the contribution by Scott Gonzalez, see http://projects.scottsplayground.com/iri/ * Improved email method to better handle unicode characters * Fixed error container to hide when all elements are valid, not only on form submit * Fixed String.format to jQuery.format (moving into jQuery namespace) * Fixed accept method to accept both upper and lowercase extensions * Fixed validate() plugin method to create only one validator instance for a given form and always return that one instance (avoids binding events multiple times) * Changed debug-mode console log from "error" to "warn" level 1.1.1 ----- * Fixed invalid XHTML, preventing error label creation in IE since jQuery 1.1.4 * Fixed and improved String.format: Global search & replace, better handling of array arguments * Fixed cancel-button handling to use validator-object for storing state instead of form element * Fixed name selectors to handle "complex" names, eg. containing brackets ("list[]") * Added button and disabled elements to exclude from validation * Moved element event handlers to refresh to be able to add handlers to new elements * Fixed email validation to allow long top level domains (eg. ".travel") * Moved showErrors() from valid() to form() * Added validator.size(): returns the number of current errors * Call submitHandler with validator as scope for easier access of it's methods, eg. to find error labels using errorsFor(Element) * Compatible with jQuery 1.1.x and 1.2.x 1.1 --- * Added validation on blur, keyup and click (for checkboxes and radiobutton). Replaces event-option. * Fixed resetForm * Fixed custom-methods-demo 1.0 --- * Improved number and numberDE methods to check for correct decimal numbers with delimiters * Only elements that have rules are checked (otherwise success-option is applied to all elements) * Added creditcard number method (thanks to Brian Klug) * Added ignore-option, eg. ignore: "[@type=hidden]", using that expression to exclude elements to validate. Default: none, though submit and reset buttons are always ignored * Heavily enhanced Functions-as-messages by providing a flexible String.format helper * Accept Functions as messages, providing runtime-custom-messages * Fixed exclusion of elements without rules from successList * Fixed custom-method-demo, replaced the alert with message displaying the number of errors * Fixed form-submit-prevention when using submitHandler * Completely removed dependency on element IDs, though they are still used (when present) to link error labels to inputs. Achieved by using an array with {name, message, element} instead of an object with id:message pairs for the internal errorList. * Added support for specifying simple rules as simple strings, eg. "required" is equivalent to {required: true} * Added feature: Add errorClass to invalid field�s parent element, making it easy to style the label/field container or the label for the field. * Added feature: focusCleanup - If enabled, removes the errorClass from the invalid elements and hides all errors messages whenever the element is focused. * Added success option to show the a field was validated successfully * Fixed Opera select-issue (avoiding a attribute-collision) * Fixed problems with focussing hidden elements in IE * Added feature to skip validation for submit buttons with class "cancel" * Fixed potential issues with Google Toolbar by prefering plugin option messages over title attribute * submitHandler is only called when an actual submit event was handled, validator.form() returns false only for invalid forms * Invalid elements are now focused only on submit or via validator.focusInvalid(), avoiding all trouble with focus-on-blur * IE6 error container layout issue is solved * Customize error element via errorElement option * Added validator.refresh() to find new inputs in the form * Added accept validation method, checks file extensions * Improved dependecy feature by adding two custom expressions: ":blank" to select elements with an empty value and �:filled� to select elements with a value, both excluding whitespace * Added a resetForm() method to the validator: Resets each form element (using the form plugin, if available), removes classes on invalid elements and hides all error messages * Fixed docs for validator.showErrors() * Fixed error label creation to always use html() instead of text(), allowing arbitrary HTML passed in as messages * Fixed error label creation to use specified error class * Added dependency feature: The requires method accepts both String (jQuery expressions) and Functions as the argument * Heavily improved customizing of error message display: Use normal messages and show/hide an additional container; Completely replace message display with own mechanism (while being able to delegate to the default handler; Customize placing of generated labels (instead of default below-element) * Fixed two major bugs in IE (error containers) and Opera (metadata) * Modified validation methods to accept empty fields as valid (exception: of course �required� and also �equalTo� methods) * Renamed "min" to "minLength", "max" to "maxLength", "length" to "rangeLength" * Added "minValue", "maxValue" and "rangeValue" * Streamlined API for support of different events. The default, submit, can be disabled. If any event is specified, that is applied to each element (instead of the entire form). Combining keyup-validation with submit-validation is now extremely easy to setup * Added support for one-message-per-rule when defining messages via plugin settings * Added support to wrap metadata in some parent element. Useful when metadata is used for other plugins, too. * Refactored tests and demos: Less files, better demos * Improved documentation: More examples for methods, more reference texts explaining some basics